新科儀器設備有限公司(Suntech Instruments Co., Ltd.), 總部設於香港特別行政區。 公司成立於2004年, 主要代理銷售各類儀器儀表, 工業測試工具及生產設備。我們提供的產品包括:温度計、 濕度計、 風速計、 壓力錶、 露點儀、 紅外線熱成像儀、 人流計數器系統, 密敝空間氣體測試儀及煙氣分析儀、 噪音計、 測振測距儀、 工業內窺鏡/管道檢查系統、 壓縮空氣露點錶, 流量錶、 壓縮空氣含油量、 粒子計數器及氣體預處理器等。
Suntech Instruments Co., Ltd has its headquarter in HKSAR, China. The company was established in year 2004 with main business of distributing various instruments and equipment for industrial measuring tasks. It provides products such as temperature, humidity, velocity, pressure, dewpoint, infrared thermometer, thermal imagers, people counter, flue gas analyzers & confined space gas detectors, sound level meter, vibration meter, visual inspection cameras, flow meter, compressed air dewpoint sensor, oil sensor, particle counter and gas preparation unit etc.
服務客戶(Customer groups):
Major customers: food and pharmaceutical plants, hotels, HVAC, IAQ, government departments, secondary schools, Universities and research institutes, hospitals, property management, power plants, dryer producers etc.
-testo, SUTO, Industrial scientific(ISC), RION , BW , RAE , Hygiena ATP, Hontzsch , HANNA , Graywolf Wohler,irisys, etc.